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How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection Cure

Yeast infection or candidiasis is a common problem faced by people who live in hot and humid conditions. Yeast infections usually occur in the intestinal tract, in the mouth or in the vagina. Yeast infection in the vagina is known as “vaginitis” and it causes itchiness, redness of the exterior of the vagina and the inner thigh area, vaginal irritation and yellowish or white vaginal discharge. More than 75% of women are affected by yeast infection at some point in their life. Many women try over the counter medicines and topical creams to treat the problem, however, there are many natural remedies which will easily cure and prevent yeast infections.  The most important natural treatment available for yeast infection is Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a preservative and for various cooking purposes. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the apples. Making apple cider vinegar involves two steps
Step-1 Apples are crushed to form cider and it is mixed with yeast, which will ferment the sugar in the apple into alcohol.
Step-2 Into the alcohol produced in the 1st step, acetobacter bacteria are added and by the action of bacteria, the alcohol is converted to acetic acid and malic acid. Acetic acid is the main component of vinegar. Vinegar is the French word that means “sour wine”.
The unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar contains strands of proteins, friendly bacteria and enzymes this is called as “mother vinegar”. According to Hippo crates, ACV has many medicinal properties and can be used as a cure for many health problems. ACV is very effective in curing yeast infections and here are the different methods for using apple cider vinegar for yeast infections. Here are the properties of ACV which makes it a perfect treatment for yeast infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection:

  1. Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and it helps the body to fight against bacteria, virus fungi and other disease causing organisms.
  2. This mild acid helps to keep the natural pH balance of the vagina and prevents the growth of yeast infection. Yeast cannot thrive in the lower pH of the vagina.
  3. ACV helps to increase the good bacteria in the intestine and in the vagina and improves the immunity of the body against yeast infections.
  4. When taken orally, the proteins and enzymes present in the vinegar boost the immune system and help the body to prevent yeast infections.
  5. It helps to reduce the blood glucose level and hence very useful in controlling the blood sugar. Diabetic patients are more prone to fungal infections and they can be benefitted by the use of vinegar.

Simple Methods To Cure Yeast Infection with Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar can be used topically or orally to cure and prevent yeast infection. Here are some of the ACV methods that are commonly used to cure yeast infection. You can try out the different methods and can find which the most effective one for you is.


  • Take a glass of warm water and add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it
  • Do not add sugar or honey to it as sugar promotes the growth of fungus
  • Drink this mixture at least 2-3 times in a day to prevent yeast infection or to cure the infection.

Method 2

  • Mix one tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water and drink this mix before the meals two times a day
  • It is better to take this mix on an empty stomach
  • This natural remedy should be done every day to prevent the spread of fungus
  • Make sure that you are taking organic ACV.
  • You can also mix the vinegar in fresh fruit or vegetable juice or in herbal teas to prevent the spreading of yeast infection.

Method 3 (soaking)

  • Take 2-3 tablespoons of ACV and small piece of cloth or cotton
  • Dip the cloth or cotton in the vinegar for a few minutes
  • Apply the vinegar in the cloth or cotton to the yeast affected areas.
  • Make sure that the vinegar is low acidic before using this remedy. The preferred  level is (5% or Less)
  • If your yeast infection is severe you may experience a burning sensation when vinegar is applied. So, test the vinegar in a small area before applying to the whole infected area.
  • If you feel that the infection is more and you cannot tolerate the burning sensation, then use the diluted ACV.
  • You can mix equal quantities of vinegar and water to dilute the acetic acid and apply it on the affected areas to get faster relief from itching and irritation.
  • Keep the vinegar applied for 10-115 minutes and wash it off with water and pat dry the areas to remove any moisture. Moisture promotes fungal growth. Hence, always try to keep the area dry.
  • Do this remedy regularly to get complete relief from yeast and fungal infection.

Method 4 (ACV and Tea tree Oil)

  • Take 3-4 cups of ACV and ½ cup of tea tree oil and mix this in your bathing water
  • Have a bath in this mixture  regularly to get relief and to prevent the infection
  • The tea tree oil also has antimicrobial property and prevents fungal growth.

Method 5 (Douche)

This method is highly effective as it regulates the pH of the vagina and prevents the growth of yeast fungus. Follow the process given below to safely do the douching
  • Mix well 3 tablespoons of ACV in one cup  of distilled water
  • Use this mixture to douche
  • As douching process introduces the vinegar-water mixture to the vagina, your symptoms of yeast infection like the vaginal discharge and itching will get reduced considerably by just one time use of the remedy.
  • If you have severe symptoms of the infection use this remedy at least two times a day.
  • Once you see improvement in the condition you can do the process once in a day
  • Before using any concentrated vinegar mix, it is better to consult your doctor to know the concentration of the solution to be used for effective curing of the infection.

Method 6 (As Part of Your Diet)

ACV is used in different cooking process as they help in easy digestion of the food and they help in preserving the food.
  • Regular intake of ACV as part of your diet reduces your chances of developing yeast infection as they will help to maintain the pH balance of the body.
  • You can use them in pickling various fruits and vegetables and include the pickles in your diet
  • ACV can be used in different salads such as coleslaw and can be consumed
  • ACV is also a well known salad dressing and it can be sprinkled on baked potatoes and include them in your diet.

Method 7 (As Supplement)

  • ACV is now available in the form of supplement you can take the supplement in tablet, tonic or in capsule form according to your convenience.
  • Regular intake of ACV in the supplement form helps to improve the immune system and prevents bacterial and yeast infection.

Method 8 (ACV in Bath)

  • Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, add it to warm water taken in a shallow container
  • Soak  the vagina in this warm water by sitting on the container
  • Keep the vagina soaked for at least 10 minutes
  • Use this remedy till you get relief from the infection
  • You can also add 2-3 cups of cider vinegar in your bath water  and use it for cleansing the body
  • Repeat the remedy at least twice a day to prevent and cure skin yeast infections and vaginal infection

Method 9 (ACV Tampon)

  • You can use tampons dipped in ACV as the applicator of vinegar inside the vagina
  • This provides close contact with vinegar to the vaginal walls and prevents irritation and itching.
  • Remove the tampon after 10-15 minutes and clean the area with warm water to prevent fungal growth.
  • After showering the body dry yourself properly so that there is no moisture on the skin, which enhances the chance of fungal infections.
  • You will find a great improvement in your condition  after 2-3 soaks
  • Continue the remedy till you are completely cured of the problem

Important tips

  1. If you want to use ACV for curing yeast infection you need to select organic, raw and unfiltered and unpasteurized form of the vinegar which contains the Mother.
  2. This vinegar is acidic in nature and can cause burns when applied without diluting it.  It is recommended to use ACV diluted with water, eliminating yeast infections in our body.
  3. Never use baking soda to clean the vaginal area if you have a yeast infection. Baking soda increases the pH level and promotes the growth of yeast cells. This can complicate the problem and make ACV ineffective in controlling yeast growth.
  4. It is necessary that you  avoid sugar or sweet food items when you are having yeast infection as they worsens the infection
  5. Always use loose fitting panties when you are having vaginal infection
  6. Include more yoghurt in your diet to keep the balance of good bacteria in the body, if you are using antibiotics to treat the problem.
All the above mentioned methods are simple and easy to do and by using one of these apple cider vinegar methods you can surely get cured of yeast infections and the itching and irritation and discharge symptoms associated with it. Moreover, these ACV methods are natural and do not cause any side effects.

Best Foods For Naturally Glowing Skin

Best Foods for Naturally Glowing Skin

Healthy and glowing skin is what everyone dreams of. Several magical foods help you maintain your skin glowing and very healthy and give relief from lifeless and dull skin. Smart and young look can be obtained by consuming some foods, which gives radiance to the skin. Once we are healthy from inside the skin automatically glows. If your skin is glowing, it defines that you are having good health and rich in nutrients. The secret lies in what you eat daily. Fast foods, junk foods, caffeine are highly processed that your skin looses the radiance and make you look unhealthy.  Vitamins make your skin look beautiful, healthy and radiant which are mainly present in the foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.
We cannot expect our skin to glow and maintain good health if we are not taking necessary care for it. Many factors such as stress in work balance, harsh sunlight, taking improper diet in improper time keeps us away from healthy and glowing skin. We to form essential nutrients that take care of the skin to make it look healthy should spend enough time.
Our diet is to be modified in order to make the skin look healthy. The processes like cleansing, moisturizing, toning should be carried out frequently which results in making the skin look natural and beautiful.
A naturopathic doctor named Ian Koo from Mississauga gives us a view that why we wonder that how nutrients that affect inner health like weight and healthy body helps in improving the skin quality. Explaining this he states an example that, “A good durable product can be obtained only if we start with a better quality of raw material” which defines that good health and proper diet is only the main cause that makes your skin look healthy and glowing.
These are some of the beauty foods containing skin-friendly components, which we can choose to take for the better results in making our skin look beautiful and glowing:



tomatoes sauce
Tomatoes contain as phytochemical called Lycopene, which gives red color to it.  Eating tomatoes or any tomato-based foods will help you in combating with stubborn spots or acne. It is good to include tomato-based foods like sauce, tomato juice etc. to your daily diet distributed over 3 to 5 times every week. It also helps you in protecting your skin from UV rays.
Red -coloured fruits such as oranges contain lycopene and other carotenoids will help you in improving antioxidant level in the skin, which helps in combating free radicals that are produced due to extreme sun exposure.

Green Tea

Green tea for glowing skin
Green tea has the ability to reduce the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is an acne-producing hormone. It is recommended to take 3 – 5 cups of this beverage daily to reap full skin care benefits of it.Green tea contains vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin K, which helps in growing hair naturally. Essential minerals such as copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron are also present in this brew. It helps you improve your skin complexion in one week.
Green tea is packed with lots of antioxidants that help you in making your skin look a lot healthier and younger too.


blueberries and cherries
Cherries, blueberries and other deeply coloured berries are best sources for antioxidants. They help you in fighting off blemishes. Generally acne causes local oxidative stress, which results in the depletion of antioxidants. So if you are suffering with severe acne, then you’ll have very low levels of blood antioxidants.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice for glowing skin
Ceramides are generally present in the ingredients list of your skin care products.  Generally these lipid molecules are present in brown rice. These help you maintain your skin’s moisture levels. When you consume these ceramides, which occur naturally in foods they get integrated into your skin’s outer layer, helping it to maintain its hydration.  Thus brown rice i.e., ceramides will help you improve hydration significantly.

Fish and Seafood

Fish and seafood for glowing skin
Fish and other seafood are good for skin, as they prevent the skin from showing signs of aging. Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in these foods will help you reduce skin wrinkling process. Omega-3s stops the production of inflammatory chemicals which act like acid rain on your skin’s collagen.
Omega-3 fatty acids also help you in combating with acne by regulating the mood and controlling the stress component that result in acne.  It is recommended to consume 4 – 5 servings of oily fish every week to get the acne condition in control. You can take fish oil supplements instead of fish every week.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables will help you in enhancing the radiance of your skin. These veggies are packed with essential vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. Some of the green leafy vegetables include Swiss chard, arugula and spinach. These provide the simplest way to remove dullness of your skin and give you a natural glowing skin.


Kiwis are best foods that bestow you with healthy and smooth skin.  They are rich sources of Vitamin C that helps you prevent wrinkles and boosts collagen synthesis. Vitamin C is mostly found in foods such as oranges, guavas, grapefruit, bell peppers, strawberries etc. help in protecting the skin from the exposure of sun and promotes cell turnover, thus maintaining the youthfulness and beauty of your skin.

Wild Salmon & Nuts

Omega-3 fatty acids rich in foods like fishes such as wild salmon, trout and herring and nuts such as almonds and walnuts. These omega-3s provide you a healthy skin with sufficient dose of good fats or natural oils, which in turn help you, get rid of acne, inflammation, redness and scaly skin. These foods are considered to be the perfect sources for glowing skin.


Carrots are one of the skin-friendly foods that flush out toxins present inside your skin. They contain high levels of Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. It helps you maintain a healthy skin and protects it from sun-induced damage. It also helps you ward off from various signs of aging and wrinkles. Carrots help you in delaying the process of ageing.


Drinking plenty of water will help your stay hydrated throughout the day. It flushes out the harmful toxins present in our body and make the skin glow. Water also helps you in keeping signs of aging such as wrinkles at bay, giving you naturally glowing skin. So always try to keep a water bottle handy and drink whenever you feel thirsty.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds are great skin-beautifying agents. They get their power of skin beautification from zinc, the beauty mineral and essential fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9). Similar to hemp seeds, these pumpkin seeds also help you in reducing the inflammation in your body. You can eat them by sprinkling them on to your favorite salads, smoothies, or you can eat a handful of seeds directly.


Arugula is one kinds of dark green leafy vegetable. It is a rich source Vitamin A and sulfur, these two are the keys components to get gorgeous skin. It acts as a potent detoxifier, because of the chlorophyll presence.
You can top you favorite salad with fresh raw arugula along with other foods to get a glowing skin.


Radishes are one of the skin beautifying foods. They contain a lot of minerals and compounds that are more beneficial to your skin. Radishes are packed with Vitamin C, sulfur and silicon, which helps you get glowing skin by working together. They also boost collagen, help in skin strengthening, and stimulate the blood circulatory system.  You can have them by adding slices to your salads or eating them directly as snack.


Avocados are creamy fruits that contain many vitamins. You can pair up an avocado with any carotenoid-rich food, like carrots, bell peppers, or tomatoes. They help you in absorbing the antioxidants – beta carotene and lycopene, five times more.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are made up of a huge quantity of protein, along with the sulfur-bearing amino acids like cysteine, cystine, and methionine. These are used to make your muscle, hair, skin and nails stronger.
They contain strong antioxidants and posses an ideal ratio (1:3) of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and include omega 9 also. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of hemp seeds, you get rid of many skin woes, such as acne, blemishes and wrinkles. Sprinkling hemp seeds with salads or blending them in a smoothie will help you get rid of many skin issues.


Almonds are foods that are rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Vitamin E protects the skin from harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays, anti aging, wrinkles and also helps you build collagen. Fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9 help you in maintaining the elasticity of skin. You can take about five to six almonds as the first thing every morning before having breakfast. This not only makes your skin glow but also maintains healthy hairs.


Strawberries are one of the skin beautifying agents that is rich in fiber content and low in sugar content. Strawberries contain more amounts of vitamin C when compared with other fruits like grapefruit or oranges with fewer calories. These fruits play an essential role in skin elasticity and collagen. Alpha hydroxyl acid present in strawberries will help you in eliminating dead skin cells and rebuild new skin cells.


Adding walnuts to your diet makes your skin pink and rosy. It is loaded with many necessary minerals including iron, zinc and copper, which helps you in maintaining the collagen in your skin.  It also contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids that help you maintain the elasticity of your skin. Consume about six walnuts as the first thing early in the morning, every day before breakfast. Eating walnuts help you making your skin look younger, fresher and rosy red.

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolate is an excellent of cocoa, which acts as a natural skin hydrator. Cocoa helps to radiate making the skin a lot healthy and also makes it look more younger by freeing it from pimples and wrinkles. Eat around two to three pieces of dark chocolate every day and make your skin look younger.


Yoghurt is an emulsification of both calcium and minerals. It is loaded with huge amount of proteins and calcium that makes your skin smooth and removes age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. It is recommended to take yoghurt that is made out of whole milk. Yoghurt helps you in the removal of toxins making your skin softer and smoother.


Pomegranates are rich sources of poly phonies that make your skin shinier. It also helps you fight against anti aging cells and gives you rosy cheeks and a flawless skin. Drink one glass of pomegranate juice on daily basis to attain shiny, healthy and flawless glowing skin.

12 Natural Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is a common disease which affects the airways of the people. Airways carry air to and from the lungs. When the walls of the airways get inflamed or swollen it becomes narrower and allows the less amount of air to pass through it. This will cause a wheezing sound and chest tightness. The person will experience difficulty in breathing and also starts to cough. The symptoms of asthma will be more visible during night and during early morning. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes or airways cause increased production of sticky mucus.  Some people may not show the symptoms for extended periods and some people will have the symptoms every day.

The Causes Of Asthma

The real cause of asthma is not known. It is believed that heredity has a great role in the expression of asthma in people. Allergies also are an important reason for the asthma. Some of the major triggers for asthma attack are
•    Allergies to dust, smoke and pollen
•    Sinusitis
•    Exercise
•    Food allergies caused by wheat, eggs, soy, shellfish, etc
•    Smoking
•    Heartburn
•    Respiratory tract infections
•    Certain medications like aspirin

Symptoms Of Asthma

Asthma attacks can last for a few minutes to days.
The important symptoms include
•    Cough with or without sputum production
•    Chest tightness
•    Shortness of breath which becomes worse after exercise or any other activity.
•    Wheezing which becomes worse during night and gets better  by using bronchodialators
The Emergency Symptoms Of Asthma Include
•    Blue lips, face or nails
•    Drowsiness or confusion
•    Extreme difficulty in breathing
•    Increased pulse
•    Breathing get stopped temporarily
•    Chest pain
It is possible to control the frequency and severity of asthma episodes with proper medicines. The natural home remedies are also capable of relieving the symptoms of asthma.
The following are some of the home remedies that you can try to get rid of symptoms associated with asthma.

1. Eucalyptus Oil

Pure eucalyptus oil is found to be a very effective natural remedy to treat asthma problems. It has medicinal properties that will help in clearing blocked nose and lungs and also reduce mucus and phlegm formation in the nose and the throat.
  •   Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a paper towel or a cotton handkerchief and keep it close to your head when you are sleeping at night. You will be able to breathe the aroma of the oil all through the night and this will help you to get sound sleep.
  •   You can also consider taking eucalyptus oil steam therapy. Add three to four drops of pure eucalyptus oil in a bowl of water and bring this water to boil. Now, breathe the steam coming out of the bowl by covering your head with cotton towel. Repeat this several times a day to get good relief from asthma symptoms.

2. Mustard Oil

If you are suffering from an asthma attack, you can immediately massage with mustard oil to get relief from breathing problems and to clear the respiratory passages.
  •   Add a little bit of camphor in a tablespoon of mustard oil. Heat this oil and then gently massage it on the chest and the upper back.
  •   You need to massage for about 5 to 7 minutes. Repeat this process several times a day until you feel relief from asthma symptoms.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a very effective natural home remedy that you can think of for treating asthma ailments.
  •   Add one teaspoon of ground ginger in a small cup and add half a cup of water. Mix it well and drink one teaspoon of this mixture every night before going to bed to get relief from asthma at night.
  •   Cut a few pieces of ginger and add it in a bowl of water. Boil this water for five minutes. Now cool this water and bring it to room temperature. Drink it twice daily to get effective results.
  •   Mix a tablespoon of fresh ginger juice, one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water and leave it overnight.
  •   Strain the contents of this solution and drink it every day once in the morning and in the evening to detoxify your lungs.
  •   Eating raw ginger by mixing it with a little bit of salt everyday is also an effective remedy to treat asthma problems.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a natural ingredient that will help in clearing lung congestion effectively and thereby will provide you with quick relief from asthma symptoms.
  •   Add two to three cloves of garlic in a bowl of water. Boil it and let is steep for about 5 minutes. Now, strain the mixture and allow it to cool to room temperature. Drink this garlic water or tea every day to see a reduction in asthma symptoms.
  •   Add 10 to 15 pieces of garlic cloves in half a cup of milk. Boil this for a few minutes and drink it once every day to get relief from asthma symptoms.

5. Figs

Figs is another effective home remedy used to reduce the symptoms of asthma as it helps in reducing breathing difficulties and is also effective in promoting respiratory health. It will work effectively in draining out phlegm.
  •   Wash three to four dried figs in water and then soak the in a cup of water overnight.
  •   Eat these soaked figs the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and also drink this fig water.
  •   The nutrients in the figs will enter your bloodstream and offer you quick relief from asthma.

6. Onions

Onions are an abundant source of anti-inflammatory properties and are very effective in clearing the constriction of the airways of the people suffering from asthma symptoms. Onions have rich sulfur contents which will help in reducing the lung inflammation.
  •   Eat three or four pieces of raw shallots or small onions to clear your blocked airways and to breathe easily.
  •   You can also try mixing onions in your regular vegetable salad to get instant relief from blocked lungs.

7. Salmon

Salmon fish is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids that will help in treating a free of the asthma symptoms. It will help in reducing lung inflammation as well as reduce the narrowing of the airways. Some of the other fishes that will help in getting rid of the symptoms associated with asthma are:
• Sardines
• Mackerel
• Tuna
• Koi
• Cod

8. Honey

Pure honey is an age old tried and tested home remedy to treat asthma symptoms. It is found to be very effective in reducing asthma symptoms due to the presence of ethereal oils and alcohol.
  •   Add a tablespoon of honey in a glass of hot boiling water. Mix it well and sip it slowly everyday on an empty stomach. You can also take it two to three times a day to get relief from asthma symptoms.
  •   Inhaling the smell of pure and organic honey will produce a lot of positive results in people suffering from asthma.
  •   You can also mix one teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Swallow this mixture before going to bed. It will help in reducing phlegm around your throat and also allow you to sleep better.

9. Lemon

Lemon is another natural home remedy that is used to treat asthma symptoms. Normally, people with asthma will have lower levels of Vitamin C. As lemon is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants it will easily help in reducing symptoms associated with asthma.
  •   Squeeze out the juice of one lemon into a glass of drinking water. Add sugar and mix the ingredients well to get relief from asthma symptoms. You can drink this whenever you suffer from an asthma attack.
  •   You can also add a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of honey. Mix it well and take this solution every day at night to get good night’s sleep.

10. Coffee

Coffee is an effective ingredient to treat asthma. The caffeine in the coffee will help prevent and control asthma attacks. Drinking hot coffee will help in relaxing your airways and hence you will be able to breathe easily. The stronger the coffee that you drink; the better will be the result.
  •   Make sure that you drink a maximum of three cups of black coffee every day. It will help in easing asthma symptoms.
  •   But, only limit to three black coffees and not more.
  •   You can also drink black tea as a substitute for coffee. But, coffee gives you better results.

11. Gooseberry Powder And Honey

  • You can either mix 2 teaspoons of gooseberry powder or use a teaspoon of gooseberry juice in a tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink this mixture everyday in the morning for reducing the symptoms associated with asthma.

12. Other Home Remedies

  • Drinking ginkgo biloba herbal tea every day in the morning will be effective in reducing asthma symptoms.
  • Using mullein oil while preparing an herbal tea is very effective in reducing the congestion in the lungs.
  • Shuan Huang Lian is a powerful herb mixture that is used in China to treat respiratory problems.
  • Drinking herbal tea made from a teaspoon of chamomile flower, mullein leaves, passionflower leaves and Echinacea root and boiling it in water is very effective to get rid of asthma symptoms.
Do you suffer from asthma attacks regularly? Are you interested to know about a few effective home remedies that you can try out to reduce the symptoms associated with asthma attacks? Well, all you need to do is to try out a combination of the above mentioned home remedies for asthma to see which one works for you effectively.

Top 20 Anti-Aging Foods


They contain large amounts of antioxidants which are responsible for skin and brain care. The fiber content present in them helps in producing vitamins and minerals in the body which keeps you from aging.




 These are highly nutrient; the best part is that they come with shell over them. Survey has been carried out saying that the main advantage of shelled nuts is that they contain less calories when compared to unshelled nuts.


Wild Salmon:

 They contains fatty acids in them which are called Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps in anti-aging, good functioning of brain, skin, eyes, joints and heart. Aging leads in reducing good functioning of brain. Wild salmon is suggestible for anti-aging.

Whey Protein:

 This protein got a substance in it called as resistant starch, which helps in metabolism, generally aging leads to loss of mass in the muscles, which is caused due to fewer metabolisms. This can be prevented by consuming the whey protein.

Greek Yogurt:

 Generally yogurt has more contents of sugar and lactose in it, Greek yogurt has less amounts of these substances when compare to normal yogurt, which helps in gaining good health and also keeps from aging.

How Onion Helps in Hair Growth

Many people face the problem of hair loss. Though losing 50-100 hairs per day is considered as normal, losing hair cause concern and mental stress in people. Moreover, acute hair loss can affect the appearance of a person and affects their confidence levels. There are many natural remedies which are capable of inducing proper hair growth and the most important and effective among them is Onion juice.

Natural And Safe Method

It is completely safe to use onion for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth as onion helps in hair growth without any side effects or causing allergies. There is no need to use harsh chemicals on your hair when you have an easily available, cheap and safe method for promoting hair growth. You can use onion as a natural remedy if you have receding hair line or bald patches. You may not be able to get the same result when you opt for hair loss treatment from costly hair spas.

Can Onion Help In Hair Growth?

Most of the people are skeptical about the use of onion for hair growth. Most of you will be thinking can onion help in hair growth? The scientific studies on natural remedies for hair loss has proven that applying onion juice and consuming onions is helpful in controlling hair loss and other problems related to hair such as dandruff, fungal infections and  yeast infections. It has been found that onion juice is also effective in preventing premature graying of hair.

[Also Read: Top Remedies for Hair Growth]

How Does Onion Help In Hair Growth?

Most of the people are unaware of how onions are effective in promoting hair growth. Onions have rich sulfur content in them. Onion juices when applied on the scalp alone or in combination with other hair loss remedies can improve the blood circulation to the scalp. Sulfur also improves the production of collagen tissues which is necessary for the growth of hair. Hair grows from the hair follicles in the scalp and increased blood supply to the scalp brings better nutrients and nourishment to the follicles and promotes hair growth. The sulfur content in the juice also has anti-bacterial properties and prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on the scalp which reduces the chances of losing hair due to these infections. Onion juice increases the strength of the hair and prevents thinning and breakage. You can achieve improved volume to your hair by regularly applying the onion juice on the scalp.

Onion to Grow Hair Faster

To achieve hair growth with the help of onion juice you need to extract the juice of the onions and apply it on the scalp thoroughly. Though, the juice has a pungent smell, the remedy is highly effective in achieving the results you need. You need to keep the juice on the scalp for at least 30 minutes. You can keep it for longer if you will be able to bear the smell of the juice. Rinse off the juice using water and mild shampoo. You will have to repeat this remedy at least thrice a week for at least two months to see the results. This is a natural remedy and it will take some time to give the expected result.
How Onion Helps in Hair Growth
How Onion Helps in Hair Growth

How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth?

It is very easy and simple to make the onion juice for hair growth. You can use a food processor or blender, grater or a juicer to extract the juice. Peel the required number of onions according to the length of your hair and cut them into pieces. You can put them in blender or juicer and run it to get the required amount of juice. To extract the juice using grater, cut the onion into halves and grate each half, squeeze out the juices from grated onion using your hand.

Simple Methods Of Using Onion for Hair Growth

1.    Onion Juice-Honey Mixture

You can use this remedy in two different ways. You can mix ¼ cup of onion juice with one honey tablespoon of honey and you can consume it orally every day or you can apply the mix on the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes daily to see the difference.

2.    Concoction Of Onion Juice And Rum

If you find the smell of onions unbearable you can use this method to prevent the loss of hair and to improve the growth of hair. Finely chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Next day, strain the mixture to remove the onion pieces. Use the concoction to massage the scalp or use it as a hair rinse after washing the hair.

3.    Add Onion In Your Recipes

You can include onions in regular recipes and in salads to get the benefits of using onion. This will not act as fast as applying the juice to the hair.

4.    Onion Juice Hair Rinse

This is another method of using onions for hair growth without getting tears and irritation to eyes. Add 4-5 chopped onion to one liter of water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and strain the mixture. Use the onion boiled water to rinse your hair after shampooing. If you are not bothered with the smell you need not wash the hair with water that day. You can clean your hair using water and mild shampoo next day.
Hair is part of the personality of a person. If you are worried about your excessive hair loss, you can try the above remedy. Select a method convenient to you and stick to it for at least two months. Your hair will first achieve a good sheen and slowly you will see your hair becoming stronger and thicker. To boost your hair growth, you can also massage your hair and scalp with a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil once in a week. You can achieve better results, if you leave the oil overnight on your hair. Always eat a healthy diet to prevent hair loss and to promote the re-growth of the hair.

How To Use Baking Soda For Upset Stomach?

Though we use baking soda for industrial as well as household purposes, many are not aware of the fact that baking soda is used in treating gastric problems. Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate and comes in white crystalline form. This is a systemic antacid which alkalizes the urine. Baking soda cleanses the body cavities. Pour baking soda is used as a remedy for upset stomach.

Upset Stomach?

Upset stomach is also known as dyspepsia or indigestion. The person with upset stomach experiences pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen area. Indigestion occurs as a result of over eating, GERD, eating the food faster, due some medications, blocks in the intestine or due to stress. The regular occurrence of indigestion can lead to stomach cancer, heartburn and nausea.

How Baking Soda Helps With Upset Stomach?

Our stomach produces a mild acid which helps in digesting the food we eat. Over production of the acids in the stomach leads to the burning sensation and pain in the stomach. Baking soda is alkaline in nature helps to neutralize the acids in the stomach. Here are the properties of baking soda, which makes it an effective cure for upset stomach.
  1. Baking soda has cleansing property which helps to cleanse the body by removing the toxic substances from the body
  2. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which helps in the natural digestion of the food. Overeating or fast eating result in excess production of this acid. Baking soda helps to break down the fats present in the food and helps in easy digestion.
  3. It acts as an antacid and help in maintaining the pH balance of the body and ensure proper functioning of the digestive system.
  4. The pain during upset stomach is mainly due to the increased acidity. Baking soda has a pH of 8.4  and it neutralizes acid and eases the pain.
  5. Drinking water with baking soda dissolved in it helps in reducing production of gas formation and bloating in the stomach and hence reduces burping.

How To Use Baking Soda For Upset Stomach?

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a natural antacid which can be used in different ways to treat upset stomach. If you have digestion problems or if you are suffering from heartburn, try the methods given below.

Baking Soda and Water For Upset Stomach

Baking soda easily dissolves in water and intestine is able to absorb it easily and use it for neutralizing the acidity. When baking soda is mixed with water, it helps in carbonation and reduces the bloating feeling by burping.

Diluted Baking Soda for Upset Stomach

  • Take 1/2 glass of water and dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in it
  • Stir it well till the baking soda gets dissolved in it properly.
  • Drink this solution every four hours or according to the severity of the problem
  • This solution gives relief from bloating, stomach acid  and nausea
  • People with high blood pressure or with sodium restricted diet should avoid this remedy.  This remedy can cause increased blood pressure  in people.

Warm Water And Baking Soda for Upset Stomach

  • Take a glass of warm water and add 1 tsp of  baking soda in it
  • Add 1 tsp of lemon juice to the water and mix well till the baking soda dissolves
  • Drink this solution to get fast relief from upset stomach and sour stomach
  • Repeat the process once 3-4 hours if the stomach problem persists

Baking Soda And Vinegar for Upset Stomach

  • Take ½ glass of water and mix in ½ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
  • To this mix, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar. You can use apple cider vinegar or plain vinegar
  • This mix starts bubbling up and when the bubbles are settled down, drink the mixture
  • If the solution is not  bubbling up, add some more baking soda and vinegar
  • Vinegar and baking soda in the mix reduces acidity and gives effective relief from pain and discomfort caused by indigestion.
  • If you do not get relief  within 15 minutes, repeat the remedy once again

Lemon and Baking soda for Upset Stomach

  • Take 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Add ½ teaspoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon honey to the lemon juice
  • This mix will start foaming  and drink this mix while it is still foaming
  • This mixture will help to remove the trapped gases in the stomach by the carbonation process
  • This will help in proper digestion and removing stomach pain

Peppermint And Baking Soda for Upset Stomach

  • Make a decoction by boiling peppermint in 1cup water
  • Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda  to the decoction when the decoction is still hot
  • Mix well to dissolve the soda powder and drink the mix immediately
  • You can also add lemon juice to the above mix, if you prefer
  • You will find that the symptoms of indigestion are reducing within 15 minutes of consuming the decoction.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Baking Soda for Upset Stomach

  • Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and ½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • Mix these in 1 glass of water. Make sure that you are mixing it in a large pitcher as this mix will produce bubbles.
  • Add apple cider vinegar slowly to the pitcher to prevent excess bubbling.
  • Drink this mix immediately to get rid of an upset stomach, nausea, heartburn and GERD
  • To remove the sour taste of the mix, you can eat or suck orange wedges
  • Repeat the remedy till you get relief from upset stomach

Baking soda for stomach pain

Upset stomach and acid reflux cause discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen. Baking soda reduces stomach pain neutralizing the excess stomach acid. You can use baking soda dissolved in water in different concentration to remove the problem.

Baking soda in low concentration for stomach pain

If the stomach pain is mild you can use this remedy. This remedy cannot be given to children. The dosage should not be more than 5 teaspoons of baking soda per day.
  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of cold water
  • Mix well and consume the solution to cure stomach pain
  • This remedy can be used to cure sour stomach and indigestion caused by the acidity of the stomach.

Baking soda in higher concentration for stomach pain

  • Take  2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it in one glass of water
  • Drink this solution to  cure stomach pain and gas faster
  • Use this remedy whenever you are suffering from stomach pain caused by indigestion and acidity.

Baking Soda For Sour Stomach

Sour stomach or indigestion can be treated effectively using baking soda. Try the following:

Method to Get Rid of Sour Stomach

  • Take a glass of water
  • Mix in 1 teaspoon of baking soda, honey and apple cider vinegar
  • Drink this mixture twice a day till you get complete relief from indigestion

The Right Dosage Of Baking Soda For Upset Stomach

It is necessary that you take the right dose of baking soda to cure the upset stomach
  1. Dosage  for adults- Adults can take half to one teaspoon baking soda for every 3-4 hours
  2. Dosage for children- Children above 6 years  can take a quarter to half teaspoon of baking soda
  3. The baking soda  remedies are not advisable  children below 6 years

Important Things To Follow While Using Baking Soda As A Cure For Upset Stomach

Follow the below given tips to get complete cure from upset stomach
  1. Consult the doctor before taking baking soda as a cure,  if you are on a sodium restricted diet.
  2. Baking soda may interact with certain prescription drugs and hence consult the doctor about taking the right dosage
  3. People with congestive heart problem, kidney damage, calcium absorption problem and  liver cirrhosis should avoid taking this remedy for stomach problems
  4. Breast feeding women and also Pregnant women should either avoid these remedies or consult the doctor before using it.
  5. While taking the remedy make sure that  the baking soda is completely dissolved
  6. Always keep some pure baking soda at home to prevent stomach related problems
  7. Repeat the remedy which you find suitable for your problems whenever you are in need.
  8. You should follow a healthy diet  and do regular exercises  to avoid the health problem
  9. Do not eat your food very fast and avoid oily and fatty and spicy foods to avoid upset stomach.
  10. Try out the different remedies given and select the one which gives faster relief and which providing a soothing effect to your stomach.

Get Flat Tummy In 10 Days Practice

Losing tummy fat in 10 days is not an impossible task. With the proper changes in the diet, lifestyle and exercise it is possible to get a flat tummy within 10 days. It is necessary to use specific dietary and exercise strategies which target the abdominal area to lose tummy fat. Elevating the metabolic rate is the key to reduce the fat deposits in the body. Follow the strategy given below to get flat tummy in 10 days.



Day 1

The first step in achieving flat tummy is to remove all the junk food from your house. Replace the junk food with nutrient packed and fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables, poultry, lean beef, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts, seeds etc. Do not store hot dogs or sausages or candy bars in your home. Avoid all carbohydrate food for the first day. Start drinking 10-12 glass of water to cleanse your system and to remove the fat from the body. You can also try fasting for one- to three days prior to starting the effort to get a flat tummy. During this fasting take only 3-5 apple cider vinegar drinks.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey and 8 ounces of pure water
  • Take this 2- 3 times a day to jump start the fat reduction program.

Day 2

Take more of boiled or raw vegetables this day. You can use thin vegetable or chicken soup to reduce belly fat. Make sure that you consume something every two to three hours. This will increase your metabolic rate and stabilize the blood sugar. Taking five to six servings of fruits and vegetables will prevent cravings for food. Avoid high carb fruits like banana, apple etc. If you are a person who regularly does exercises, you can continue your exercises along with these changes in the diet. If you have not started exercising, start with mild exercises like walking for 20 minutes.

Day 3

Consume about 50 grams of carbohydrate for your breakfast. Low carb diets are important, if you want to lose fat faster. One cup of oatmeal has 50 grams of carbohydrate. For other meals of the day consume lean protein about the size of your fist. You can use whey protein, yoghurt, fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks. Limit the intake of fat to olive oil or fish oil. Avoid using mayonnaise, margarine, butter, other vegetable oils etc. You can start doing exercises like breathing squat to get rid of the belly fat.
  • Lower your bottom as far as possible in the squat position. Inhale while going down. Wait for a few minutes and come up exhaling slowly.
  • Repeat the exercise for 10 times.

Day 4

You can take omelet with three egg white and vegetables or spinach added to it for your breakfast. You can take snacks like boiled chicken with red pepper or cucumber with turkey breast as snacks. Include salads made of vegetables, chicken, olive oil etc for lunch. Do not take more than 150gms of chicken or turkey at one serving. You can also use a fistful of seeds or nuts when you feel hungry. This will reduce the craving. Start doing some crunches to mobilize the fat around the gut.
  • Lie on your back with hands under your head, place the feet firmly on the floor with the knees bend.
  • Use the tummy muscles to crunch and raise your shoulders off the floor
  • Do at least three sets of crunches.

Day 5

You can consume low fat milk and fruits this day. If you want you can include one or two bananas. This provides the necessary carbohydrate for your body. You can take vegetable soups or salads to fill your stomach and to get all the nutrient supply. Drink plenty of water and add sit-ups to your exercise regime.
  • Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend your arms so that the fingers are pointed upwards.
  • Exhale and try to sit up slowly
  • Inhale and lower yourself to the start position.

Day 6

You can use green beans, scrambled eggs made with one whole egg and two egg whites and tomatoes for your breakfast. You can use cod fillet or grilled chicken breast as your snack. You can consume fish or lean meat in different forms. Do not forget to add five servings of fruits and vegetables. Do all the exercises from walking to sit ups.
  • You can increase the number of crunches and sit ups if you want faster fat removal.

Day 7

You can use grilled or boiled chicken or duck breast for your breakfast along with steamed spinach or grilled tomatoes. Use Brazil nuts or watermelon seeds or steamed broccoli as a snack. You can change the exercise to aerobic exercise today.
  • Changing the exercise will give a shock to the body and increases the metabolic rate effectively causing to lose fat from belly faster.
  • Do 30 minutes of aerobics exercise.

Day 8

Avoid food with low– nutrient content. You can opt for breakfast with whole wheat bread and omelet using the white of two eggs. Continue drinking 10-12 glass of water and select healthy snacks like soy crisps, fruit with yoghurt dip etc.
  • You can opt for swimming apart from the regular exercise regime.

Day 9

Again make this day the vegetarian day. Use all the vegetables which are less in calories throughout the day. This wills help to cleanse tour digestive system of the fat deposits. Include the most fibrous vegetables to get the best result.
  • Increase walking to 40 minutes
  • You can either opt for all the crunches and sit-ups or you can do only the swimming and aerobic exercise.

Day 10

You can have breakfast that includes whole grains food items and fruits. Continue the low –fat, high fiber snacks and soups as and when required. Try to add diversity to your workout by getting a jumping rope or adding leg tuck exercise. Continue with the low sugar, low carb diet to make the results last forever.

Do you want to reduce your tummy and give a flat look to it? Do you want to achieve the goal within 10 days? Follow the above diet and exercise plan to elevate the metabolic rate and to reduce the belly fat.

Top 10 Foods Helps To Grow Sperm Count



1.    Bananas

Bananas contain bromelain which is an enzyme that controls sex hormones. Bananas also contain Vitamin A, B1 and C. These vitamins promote sperm production and also enable the body in improving its stamina.

2.    Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains an active ingredient known as L-arginine HCL. This helps in increasing the semen volume and it also raises sperm count. Eating dark chocolate can help men in having better orgasms.

3.    Garlic

Garlic is rich in allicin that helps in improving blood circulation. This in turn promotes blood circulation in the genitals and strengthens the sperms. Garlic also contains Vitamin B6 and selenium which controls the secretion of sex hormones and reduces sperm damage.

4.    Pomegranates

Pomegranates are rich in an antioxidant that reduces malondialidehyde which is responsible for damaging the sperms. Consuming pomegranates on a regular basis can help the body in killing free radicals and also in improving the potential of the sperms.

5.    Beef

Beef contains zinc which protects the sperms from the influence of free radicals. Zinc also prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Thus it also promotes libido.

6.    Walnuts

Walnut is rich in arginine which helps in raising semen volume and also promotes sperm production. It is also composed of omega-3 fatty acids that promote blood circulation in the penis. Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and they protect the body from several diseases.

7.    Spinach

Spinach is rich in folic acid that raises sperm count. Folic acid is also responsible for strengthening the sperms as well as increasing their motility.

8.    Fruit Salad

Fruits like strawberries, oranges and cherries contain lots of antioxidants. They prevent sperm damage and also increases sperm count.  Fruits are also rich in folic acid which strengthens the sperms. The antioxidants in the fruits help in killing the free radicals and thus they protect the sperms. Fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C which prevents clumping of the semen. This in turn promotes motility and improves the possibility of fertilization.

9.    Egg

Eggs help in promoting fertility and raising the sperm count. Eggs contain vitamin E which prevents tissue degeneration of the testicles. Eggs are also rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and protect the cells.

10.    Water

Drinking lots of water can help the body in increasing sperm count. It also helps in improving the functioning of the sperms.

If you are concern with low sperm count. Then try these above foods for better sexual life. We are looking for better.

Aloe Vera Face Pack for All Skin Type

Aloe Vera Face Pack For All Skin Type
Aloe Vera is considered by many to be a miracle plant, it has a huge range of skin, health and hair benefits; Aloe Vera juice is used in foods, energy drinks, as well as for medicinal purposes. Used since ancient times and named the ‘plant of immortality’ by the ancient Egyptians, here are just ten of the many uses and benefits of Aloe Vera juice for skin, hair and health:
Aloe Vera is considered as a medicine plant. We used it as foods, energy drinks and medicine purpose. Everyone knows that, but does anybody know how we can use as a beauty ingredients. Here are some face pack of aloe Vera for all skin type.You can prepare this face pack at home in reasonable price. Aloe Vera works as a magical healthy and glowing skin.

Let’s start……

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Dry Skin:

Blend all the ingredients such as 2 tsps. of aloe Vera gel, 2 tsps of cottage cheese, 5 to 6 seedless dates one, cucumber slices and lemon juices.You can store this pack in glass bottle in refrigerator for further use. Take some amount of paste, apply on on your face and neck, and let it leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with Lukewarm water, after that cold water.

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Oliy Skin:

Take aloe Vera leaf , boil it and blend with 2 tsps. of honey. Apply on your face and neck, leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Do it in every week, after some days and get acnefree, oil free and clear skin

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Sensitive Skin:

Make a smooth paste of cucumber juice, aloe Vera gel, curd, rose water, essential oil. Apply on your face and neck, keep it for 10 minutes, then wash off with cold water. This pack gives refreshed and clean skin.

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Mature Skin:

Crushed almond and add with aloe vera gel.Mix them well and apply on your face and neck, after 15 minutes risen off with cold water.It gives young and soft skin.

Must try at home and give your personal feedback.

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